Types of Loads In A Warehouse

Loads within a warehouse can be categorized in several ways, including volume, weight, shelf life, resistance, and batch.

Classification of loads based on volume

  • Small Loads: These loads are manageable with one hand and are typically contained within a single package, such as a carton of juice.
  • Medium Loads: Slightly larger than small loads, these can weigh up to 10 kilograms and are still portable by hand.
  • Large or Pallet Loads: These loads necessitate standardized packaging and are organized on a pallet for efficient handling. Manual handling is impractical for this type of load, requiring mechanical assistance such as a forklift.
  • Bulky Loads: These are substantial items that may not be stackable, such as refrigerators. Due to their size, they often necessitate specialized material handling equipment, like cranes, for transportation.
  • Special Size Loads: These exceptionally large and typically very heavy loads often require specific equipment for transport, such as oversized vehicles.

Classification of loads based on weight

  • Light Loads: These loads weigh no more than 5 kilograms.
  • Medium Loads: These loads range from a minimum of 5 kilograms to a maximum of 25 kilograms.
  • Heavy Loads: These loads fall within the weight range of 25 kilograms to 1 ton.
  • Very Heavy Loads: These loads exceed 1 ton in weight.

Classification of Loads Based on Shelf Life

  • Perishable Loads: These include items that have a defined expiration date, such as food products.
  • Non-Perishable Loads: These consist of items that do not possess an expiration date, such as construction materials.

Classification of Loads Based on Resistance

  • Resistant Loads: These are loads capable of bearing weight placed upon them, allowing for stacking of products, whether they are of the same or different types.
  • Light Loads: These loads can also be stacked, but must adhere to specific weight limitations.
  • Fragile Loads: Due to their delicate nature, these loads require careful handling to prevent damage or spoilage. They should be stored individually on racks, as stacking is not permissible.

Classification of Loads According to Batch

  • Unit Load: This refers to products that are comprised of a single unit of goods.
  • Loads Stored In Batches: Depending on the product type, batches may contain varying quantities of goods. For instance, a batch of food items may differ in unit count from a batch of lamps.